Friday, July 3, 2015

Karma Law is Defined Mathematically

Karma Law is a universal principle of causality. The sum total of all of one’s actions including thought, speech, hearing, listening, tasting, feeling, and movement; both past and present; directly influences one’s future. Good action and good karma contribute to future success, while bad action and bad karma contribute to future suffering and challenges. Therefore, karma is the root cause of everything in our lives.

We will show how to mathematically formulate the Karma Law as a physics law. For this we need to first define karma mathematically. To do so, we review how to define “action” in physics.

Action has been a well-defined quantity in physics for more than two centuries. Action is an attribute of a physical system. A physical system can take a certain path and have a history. An action relating to each path can be defined mathematically. The action has different values for the different paths.

In classical mechanics, an object or a system will take the path that yields the minimum action. It has a definite and specific path. The action takes on a specific value.

In quantum physics, when one is not aware, conscious, observing, or measuring, there are many—perhaps an infinite number—of possible paths.

Feynman’s Path Integral (Ref 13, 14) is one of the most important ways to mathematically formulate quantum physics like the Schrödinger equation and Heisenberg’s matrix theory. It sheds light on the connections and relationships among diverse formulations of quantum physics. It establishes the foundation for the development of particle physics, as well as string theory, membrane theory (M-theory), and more. Its significance for mathematics and physics is comparable and analogous to that of calculus. Just as the invention of calculus made the formulation of classical physics possible, Feynman path integral makes possible to mathematically express Karma Law. 

Feynman shows that the action of a path from place “a” to place “b” generates a probability amplitude ϕab.

ϕab = C exp(iaAab)                             (1)

Here the letter “Aab” represents the action relating to a path. “C” and “a” are constants. The symbol “exp” means exponential, while i is the imaginary unit that satisfies the equation i2 = −1. It is used in mathematics to define complex numbers.

To obtain the total probability amplitude K(a,b) for the object or system to move from “a” to place “b”, one has to sum all the possible paths.

K(a,b) =  åsum over all paths from a to b  ϕab                              (2)

We can mathematically define karma to be:

ÔKarma = åsum over all possible paths C exp(iaAab)              (3)

In this definition, karma is equal to the probability amplitude.

ÔKarma  =  K(b,a)                                 (4)

Feynman has come up with ways to calculate the probability amplitude. He shows that the relationship between the probability amplitude K(b,a) and the wave function at “a” and “b,” ψa and ψb is the following:

Ψb = K(b,a) Ψa                                   (5)

From this Feynman formula, we can obtain the relationship between karma and soul:

Ψcurrent soul  =  ÔKarma Ψoriginal soul                      (6)

Here Ψcurrent soul  represents the wave function of the current soul. We use Ψoriginal soul to denote the wave function of the original soul. Our current soul is the modified original soul by all subsequent karma. We can also understand the formula in this way: the karma operator ÔKarma operates on our original soul and transforms it into our current soul. Since our current soul determines the matter, energy, mind, heart, and consciousness aspect of our life; every aspect of our life can be affected by our karma. The above formula (6) together with the mathematical definition of karma (3) form the mathematical expression of Karma Law.

Karma Law is one of the most important spiritual laws. It has helped relieve suffering for millions of people. The scientific proof and mathematical expression of the Karma Law will help more people understand this profound spiritual wisdom and universal law. It will further help relieve the suffering of humanity, making our world a better place.

Master Rulin

Thank you.   Thank you.   Thank you.  

1 comment:

  1. Dear Dr. Rulin, thank you for this clear mathematical expression of what most of us understand; "one reaps what one sows;" "what goes around, comes around." Thank you as well for leading the weekly teleconference, open to all, on Sundays at 9 AM PT! What a great example you are to us all of using your gifts and talents to help create the Love Peace Harmony World Family.
